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Reptile Modification Guide

Getting Started

  1. Make sure you’ve followed the Reptile installation guide.
  2. Ensure you have the DBeaver IDE installed.

Part 1: Updating Application or Data

  • When to Do This: Update if you need to change the application or the data in CSV files.

  • Navigate to the Reptile folder on your computer using Terminal:

    Terminal window
    cd ~/Desktop/DESDR/Reptile
  • To update data, modify files in the db folder. After making changes, use the following commands to update the testing branch:

    Terminal window
    git add .
    git commit -m "your update message"
    git push origin [branch]
  • Important: Keep the data format in CSV consistent. The application is sensitive to quotation parsing and column names, so any new data should match the formatting style of existing data. To transform new data into the necessary format, it is recommended to use terminal commands such as sed or awk to avoid issues with triple quotation marks that commonly arise when using Python scripts, PowerBI, Excel, etc.

Part 2: Using Reptile on Amazon Cloud

Note: Restart the application or processes only if you’ve added new data. Otherwise, just ensure you have access.

  • Get the SHA key (.pem file) from DESDR’s Google Drive.

  • Open Terminal and connect via SSH using the following command:

    Terminal window
    ssh -i "path-to-your-.pem-file" ssh_connection_string

    Take ssh_connection_string from here

    Replace path-to-your-.pem-file with your actual file path.

    • If access is denied, change the file’s permissions with:

      Terminal window
      chmod 400 path-to-your-.pem-file
  • Once connected to the virtual machine, check processes with:

    Terminal window
    ps aux | grep gun
    • Kill the top running instance using:

      Terminal window
      kill -9 PID

    Wait about 10 seconds, then verify that only one process is running.

  • Pull any new updates from the testing branch with:

    Terminal window
    git pull [branchname]

    while in the Reptile directory.

  • Activate the new environment with:

    Terminal window
    conda activate reptile-new

    then start the application with:

    Terminal window
    gunicorn -w 4 -b 'app:app' --daemon
  • Go to this link in your browser to check that the application is running.

Part 3: Accessing the Database (to extract feedback data)

  • What You Need: Choose an IDE like DBeaver for database access.
  • Setting Up a New Data Source:
  • The feedback table is located under:
    postgres > schemas > reptile > feedback